A message from Talk Club:
Starting University can be scary and overwhelming at the best of times. But seeing students behind gated halls of residence on the news recently, embarking on this unprecedented (the most overused word of 2020!) journey into adult education, it’s blatantly obvious these challenges have been multiplied tenfold. We need to support our students and they absolutely need to be equipped and empowered to look after their own mental health, preventatively. Now, more than ever.
TALK CLUB began as a much-needed response to the alarming statistics surrounding male suicide in the UK, particularly for those over 45. But the hard work needs to be done much earlier.
We want a society where people value their mental fitness as much as their physical fitness. And, we believe, something as simple as opening up to others regularly about everyday stresses and worries is as powerful and effective as going to the gym. So, ask yourself (or a friend) everyday … How are you? Out of 10?